Aakashganga, lit. "river in the skies", is the word for our home galaxy, the Milky Way in Hindi and Marathi

The word 'Planet' comes from the Greek 'Planetes', meaning Wanderers - as the ancients observed these bright dots wandering across the night sky as the days passed...

Chandra is the name for the Moon in Marathi, and also of one of the greatest Indian Astrophysicists, the Nobel laureate Subramanian Chandrasekhar.

Even without a target, the night sky is a brilliant canvas for capturing awe-inspiring starscapes

Comet Neowise
2020 saw a welcome new visitor to our night skies to brighten our quarantine times.

These are the most beautiful paintings sketched out in the skies, made by clouds of gas and dust where new stars are being born every day.

When the Moon is only a part of the frame... Did you know that the Moon appearing large closer to the horizon is an optical illusion?


Aditya, Sanskrit for the Sun, is the only astrophotography target to shoot during daytime. It still presents great astronomical phenomena, and not to mention serene sunsets!. (I have never captured a sunrise)

Constellations & Asterisms